Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Live Fish Pedicures and The Fault in Our Stars!

Hi again...sorry that my last post had some negative vibes coming from it. I didn't mean to be negative, I just wasn't very happy nor very occupied with my time, so it all came out badly. But I promise that this post will be much happier! Much much happier! :)

So, happiness number 1: I got a live fish pedicure last week! And it was pretty funny! Let me explain why. What happens, with a live fish pedicure is that you go to the salon, and you have to roll up your leggings (because that's really all people wear here instead of pants), wash off your feet and remove all jewelry. The "removing of jewelry" part was a bit more complicated for me as I have anklets on that are harder to get off than normal. So, after a bit of struggle to remove said anklets, I then had to walk over to where the fish tank was and then stick my feet in the water.

Now picture this, you see the tank of fish, and they're little fish, almost like the minnows you would see in a river or a creek. You stick your feet in the water and they literally swarm your feet. And it TICKLES!!! Holy
crap does it tickle. Like, someone grabbed your feet and just started dragging their fingers along the bottoms of your feet. Only it's just to the point where you can stand it, you just giggle and laugh a lot.

So yes, the fish swarmed and tickled and made my feet wonderfully smooth. It was kind of cool. They just ate the dead skin cells off my feet and it was a pretty cool experience. Is it one that I would do again? Probably not. Was it worth it to do just this once? Hecka yes!

Also, while I was at the salon, I got my eyebrows threaded. Now that was interesting. I actually liked that more than I do plucking my own eyebrows. You literally just sit back while a woman takes a thread and just pulls the hair using the string somehow, I have no idea how, and your eyebrows look amazing afterwards. Like, really amazing!

Funny story though, all while I was there, I had several of the Indian ladies asking me if I wanted a wax, once they saw how hairy my arms were. I would kindly say "no, thank you." and they would just give me this funny look, like "are you sure?" It's like they almost didn't believe me. But yeah, I'm totally fine with my hairy arms. Having smooth arms kind of freaks me out. I shaved them once, in like 7th grade. Never. Again.

So there are those things. Happy thing number 2: I just saw "The Fault in Our Stars"!!! And it was amazing and I want to own that movie! So good! So, for those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, let me educate you for just a little bit.

"The Fault in Our Stars" is an amazing book written by the also amazing author, John Green. It's this amazing
love story between two cancer patients, yes, it sounds cheesy, but it is NOT. It's extremely well-written and one of my favourite books ever! So, when I heard that the movie adaption for this book would be premiering on June 6th, I was estatic, as I was/am in India, so I would be able to see it when it premiered. Now imagine my disappointment when I look on the website for the premiere date, and see that there is none. No premiere date for India. Anywhere, in India, for that matter. I was really disappointed. But I got over it, told myself that I would see it when I got back home, so it gave me something to look forward to when I come home. Then imagine my surprise, when last Saturday, Jeannie, the wife of Stephen, the only other anthropologist on this study abroad, showed us that "The Fault in Our Stars" was now playing in theatres. Jamie and I got so excited that we immediately made plans to go and watch it this Monday, which was yesterday. And let me tell you, I am so glad that it did decide to come to India. It was an amazing movie, and I was teary and cried for about half of it. And I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Yep, those have been my happy things of this past week. And they have been wonderful. All that I've really been doing now is just typing up my notes from interviews, and just making sure everything is ready to go for our trip up North. Yep, we leave this coming Sunday for North India and I am so excited! It's going to be great! And I'll be sure to take lots and lots of pictures, cross my heart. :)

Talk to you soon,

Monday, July 14, 2014

Trunky Feelings and Telugu

You know it's been either a very boring week or a very exciting week if I'm writing twice in the same of a few days...I'll let you guys try and guess which it is.






Time's up! Guess what? Those of you that said boring, you win virtual cookies and my my adamant sympathies for playing my game...I'm really this bored.

I'm also getting slightly trunky. Trunky as I want to get home really soon. I would love to be home right now. I have learned a lot about myself while I've been here in India, but I've also learned that I would love to be home right now. I miss my home. My work has slowed down a bit, I haven't had a interview in a few days, and I haven't been doing much of my work. This is not a good thing, as that means that I am falling behind in what I should be doing. But I seem to have lost a little bit of my enthusiasm for doing my work. This. Is. Bad. I need something to spark my interest in my work again and I really have no idea what to do. Maybe I should buy another movie to watch that has Hindu marriage ceremonies. I have already bought one and watched it. It was pretty good to watch actually. Slightly cheesy, but good. It made me smile and laugh and react to the people in the movie.

I can actually tell you how bored I have been these past few days. I've been watching a lot of youtube videos. More than I usually would, especially when I only have so much data on my Internet stick that I use here to have Internet on my laptop. There is this girl, her channel is called NerdyandQuirky, and she is HILARIOUS! Her and the Vlogbrothers have been awesome now. And I have just been fricken' LAZY these past few days. One way I know that I am super lazy right now is because I have a Telugu quiz in the morning (hence, the second half of my title today) and I. Am. Not. Studying. I'm horrid. I should be studying, I shouldn't be on my blog, creating a new blog post, and I definitely shouldn't be watching youtube videos. Yet, what is it that I am doing? I'm creating a new blog post and watching youtube. I fail at this part of life right now. Horribly.

And this is Mumuksha. I love this kid!
I seemed to have become a backup baby-sitter
for him this past little while, which I do not mind
AT ALL! Love this little boy!
Good news though, due to my trunkiness, I know how many days I have left here in India. I have literally 30 days left here in India. Yes, this sounds like I have a lot of time left, and I keep telling myself "You can do that later, you still have a long time before you go home, just enjoy your time here." and yet, another day will go by and I haven't really done anything of note. It just may be that I have gotten used to being in India and so I no longer feel the need to wander around my neighborhood, or go do things, or anything else like that. And that it just a horrible attitude for me to be taking! You want to know why?! Because who know when I'll ever be in India again?! I should be out in the world doing things that I won't have the chance to do again. But what do I do? I sit my apartment all day, reading my Nook. This just may be because I've hit a rut and I'm being really lazy and just really don't want to do anything. This is also a horrid excuse. I shouldn't need excuses as to why I haven't done anything that would be a good memory or something that I can tell my family I have done when I get back to the U.S.

Alright, I will say this about my time here. I haven't completely wasted my time here. I have done some really cool and crazy things, like riding in a rickshaw (which people call "autos" here), as well as ride on the back of a scooter. I have never done that in the U.S. I have also learned how to bargin, at least a little bit. The reason I have learned how to bargin is that you have to bargin for rickshaws in order to, you know, not get completely ripped off for being a white person. Also, another cool little fact that I have learned about myself and talking with Indians here. I apparently look like an Indian. Like, if I could actually speak Telugu or Hindi, I would blend right in. Sadly, I do not speak any of these languages...so I don't blend in. Well, I do, but then I open my mouth and English just pours out of my mouth.

A girl who helped me with an interview. Her name is
Srisha. She's a great girl!
Wow...this was just a weird...weird post. I'm again sorry to those of you who actually read this, there's just no rhyme or reason to what it was that I was trying to say or write here. But good news, there is something of an actual update in here, somewhere. So yeah...enjoy your reading and enjoy your summer, where ever my wonderful readers are!

Talk to you soon,

Friday, July 11, 2014

Again...It's Been a While

Yes, yes, I know...I know...I've been crappy at keeping up with this blog, but give me some slack. I've been writing in my journal that I have here in India with me, as well as writing up field notes, so I may not always write to write again online. So yeah, just deal. Anyway, just want to let you all know that I am indeed alive and that this past week has been great actually. And I'll tell you why. :)

I haven't gotten a lot of interviews this week, but those that I have gotten have been so full of information and so amazing and just interesting! that I don't regret not having a lot to do. Relatively speaking anyway. I still have a lot to do, but it's just been so interesting and just so amazing!

Just some thoughts though, that I think I at least need to write down. First things first, leaving in another country...it's a bit like madness! Such a different culture, different food, and just everything is different. But it's a good thing, it's been stretching my mind as well as my opening my mind to other things that I would have never expected in this life. Don't get me wrong, this is a great experience! This has been an excellent experience for me and I am lucky and happy to have done this! Wow...so many exclamation points....

Thought number two: sometimes, there are personalities that don't quite mesh together the way that people want them too. Yes, these people can be the nicest, kindest, more adorable people in the world, but there's just something about them that will rub you wrong. And you have no idea what it is, but they will just rub you wrong. It can, and is, super annoying to deal with it. That's the thing about this Study Abroad for me. I have learned that there some very annoying people in the world, and you just have to deal with it. Even if that very annoying person is yourself. And it has been me, I can tell that I have been very annoying at times, as well as been very annoyed at others. I will say this though, I have learned how to better work with others, at least a little bit.

And my last thought: I have a little over 4 weeks left. I am ecstatic that I will soon be home with Richard and my friends again, but I am also a little sad that I will be leaving those people that I have made friends with here as well. Like the girls in the house, Durga, Gowri, and Sailaja. They have become my friends and I don't want to leave them. And I can't forget Mumuksha. He's Durga's baby boy and I have grown so attached to that little boy that it's going to be hard to leave. It's one thing to say that I'll be a little glad to leave India. It's a completely different thing to say that I'll be glad to leave these wonderful people behind, which I won't be. I feel like I've come to know them in such a way that I don't want to leave them. But I'll have to. This chapter of my life will be closing soon and so I'll have to. This has been an amazing chapter!

I know that I sounded really depressing just now, but trust me, I'm not. I glad to have been able to come to India and to experience something that will both further the use of my education as well as make me a better person in general. At least, I hope that is what will happen.

Talk to you soon,