Hi again...sorry that my last post had some negative vibes coming from it. I didn't mean to be negative, I just wasn't very happy nor very occupied with my time, so it all came out badly. But I promise that this post will be much happier! Much much happier! :)
So, happiness number 1: I got a live fish pedicure last week! And it was pretty funny! Let me explain why. What happens, with a live fish pedicure is that you go to the salon, and you have to roll up your leggings (because that's really all people wear here instead of pants), wash off your feet and remove all jewelry. The "removing of jewelry" part was a bit more complicated for me as I have anklets on that are harder to get off than normal. So, after a bit of struggle to remove said anklets, I then had to walk over to where the fish tank was and then stick my feet in the water.
Now picture this, you see the tank of fish, and they're little fish, almost like the minnows you would see in a river or a creek. You stick your feet in the water and they literally swarm your feet. And it TICKLES!!! Holy
crap does it tickle. Like, someone grabbed your feet and just started dragging their fingers along the bottoms of your feet. Only it's just to the point where you can stand it, you just giggle and laugh a lot.
So yes, the fish swarmed and tickled and made my feet wonderfully smooth. It was kind of cool. They just ate the dead skin cells off my feet and it was a pretty cool experience. Is it one that I would do again? Probably not. Was it worth it to do just this once? Hecka yes!
Also, while I was at the salon, I got my eyebrows threaded. Now that was interesting. I actually liked that more than I do plucking my own eyebrows. You literally just sit back while a woman takes a thread and just pulls the hair using the string somehow, I have no idea how, and your eyebrows look amazing afterwards. Like, really amazing!
Funny story though, all while I was there, I had several of the Indian ladies asking me if I wanted a wax, once they saw how hairy my arms were. I would kindly say "no, thank you." and they would just give me this funny look, like "are you sure?" It's like they almost didn't believe me. But yeah, I'm totally fine with my hairy arms. Having smooth arms kind of freaks me out. I shaved them once, in like 7th grade. Never. Again.
So there are those things. Happy thing number 2: I just saw "The Fault in Our Stars"!!! And it was amazing and I want to own that movie! So good! So, for those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, let me educate you for just a little bit.
"The Fault in Our Stars" is an amazing book written by the also amazing author, John Green. It's this amazing
love story between two cancer patients, yes, it sounds cheesy, but it is NOT. It's extremely well-written and one of my favourite books ever! So, when I heard that the movie adaption for this book would be premiering on June 6th, I was estatic, as I was/am in India, so I would be able to see it when it premiered. Now imagine my disappointment when I look on the website for the premiere date, and see that there is none. No premiere date for India. Anywhere, in India, for that matter. I was really disappointed. But I got over it, told myself that I would see it when I got back home, so it gave me something to look forward to when I come home. Then imagine my surprise, when last Saturday, Jeannie, the wife of Stephen, the only other anthropologist on this study abroad, showed us that "The Fault in Our Stars" was now playing in theatres. Jamie and I got so excited that we immediately made plans to go and watch it this Monday, which was yesterday. And let me tell you, I am so glad that it did decide to come to India. It was an amazing movie, and I was teary and cried for about half of it. And I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Yep, those have been my happy things of this past week. And they have been wonderful. All that I've really been doing now is just typing up my notes from interviews, and just making sure everything is ready to go for our trip up North. Yep, we leave this coming Sunday for North India and I am so excited! It's going to be great! And I'll be sure to take lots and lots of pictures, cross my heart. :)
Talk to you soon,

Now picture this, you see the tank of fish, and they're little fish, almost like the minnows you would see in a river or a creek. You stick your feet in the water and they literally swarm your feet. And it TICKLES!!! Holy
crap does it tickle. Like, someone grabbed your feet and just started dragging their fingers along the bottoms of your feet. Only it's just to the point where you can stand it, you just giggle and laugh a lot.
So yes, the fish swarmed and tickled and made my feet wonderfully smooth. It was kind of cool. They just ate the dead skin cells off my feet and it was a pretty cool experience. Is it one that I would do again? Probably not. Was it worth it to do just this once? Hecka yes!
Also, while I was at the salon, I got my eyebrows threaded. Now that was interesting. I actually liked that more than I do plucking my own eyebrows. You literally just sit back while a woman takes a thread and just pulls the hair using the string somehow, I have no idea how, and your eyebrows look amazing afterwards. Like, really amazing!
Funny story though, all while I was there, I had several of the Indian ladies asking me if I wanted a wax, once they saw how hairy my arms were. I would kindly say "no, thank you." and they would just give me this funny look, like "are you sure?" It's like they almost didn't believe me. But yeah, I'm totally fine with my hairy arms. Having smooth arms kind of freaks me out. I shaved them once, in like 7th grade. Never. Again.

"The Fault in Our Stars" is an amazing book written by the also amazing author, John Green. It's this amazing
love story between two cancer patients, yes, it sounds cheesy, but it is NOT. It's extremely well-written and one of my favourite books ever! So, when I heard that the movie adaption for this book would be premiering on June 6th, I was estatic, as I was/am in India, so I would be able to see it when it premiered. Now imagine my disappointment when I look on the website for the premiere date, and see that there is none. No premiere date for India. Anywhere, in India, for that matter. I was really disappointed. But I got over it, told myself that I would see it when I got back home, so it gave me something to look forward to when I come home. Then imagine my surprise, when last Saturday, Jeannie, the wife of Stephen, the only other anthropologist on this study abroad, showed us that "The Fault in Our Stars" was now playing in theatres. Jamie and I got so excited that we immediately made plans to go and watch it this Monday, which was yesterday. And let me tell you, I am so glad that it did decide to come to India. It was an amazing movie, and I was teary and cried for about half of it. And I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Yep, those have been my happy things of this past week. And they have been wonderful. All that I've really been doing now is just typing up my notes from interviews, and just making sure everything is ready to go for our trip up North. Yep, we leave this coming Sunday for North India and I am so excited! It's going to be great! And I'll be sure to take lots and lots of pictures, cross my heart. :)
Talk to you soon,
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